About me Certificates Projects

Welcome to the portfolio


Hello, my name is Wesley Breno, and I am a software development enthusiast.

I began my journey as a programmer in 2020, and since then, I have kept myself updated with the latest trends and technologies in the field through studies in courses, bootcamps, networking, and self-directed learning. My goal is always to expand my knowledge and skills to become a more competent professional.

Currently, I work as a freelancer and am constantly seeking new opportunities and challenges to further grow in the field.

On this website, you can explore some of my key technical skills and my most relevant projects in the development field. I'm very pleased with your visit and hope you find useful information about my work. If you can't find what you're looking for, please feel free to access my contact information below. I'm here to assist you and answer any questions you may have. ❤☕

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python image
django image
selenium image
qt designer image
QT Designer
requests image
beautifulsoup image
NumPy image
Pandas image
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Scikit learn
fastapi image
tensorflow image
Anaconda image (la ele)
Matplotlib image
ettercap image
metasploit image
setoolkit image
nmap image
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mongodb image
Docker image
Git image
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Apache Kafka
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Google cloud
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Most relevant certificates


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The skills most expected by companies.

This program provides the capability to input a string as input and specify the number of job posting pages to be analyzed. It then conducts a search on LinkedIn based on that input. After completing the search, the program navigates through the job posting pages that match the provided string, and at the end of the process, it presents a summary of the most in-demand skills among all the analyzed job postings.

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Sports analysis

Code created to perform analyses of today's football matches and identify which games are more likely to result in "over 0.5 goals" bets. The algorithm starts by analyzing today's matches and then compares the points of the opposing teams in the standings, thus indicating the most likely games for "over 0.5 goals" bets.

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Web crawler

This code is a Python function that simulates a web crawler, allowing you to scrape words from a website and all its other pages, display the frequency of these words, or search for a specific word across all the pages of a site. The function uses the requests library to access the website and the BeautifulSoup library to parse the HTML of the page. The function can also limit the number of pages to be crawled and save the word count result as a JSON file.

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GitHub Follower Analyzer

Python program to analyze a user's followers. Show the user the people who don't follow them back and the people the user doesn't follow back. This way, you can use the methods to make the computer unfollow people who don't follow them back or follow people who follow them but aren't followed back.

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Todo list with FastAPI

Simple design of an API using the FastAPI framework. The project consists of an API that contains user authentication to create a task list. Each user has their own task list and can CRUD it. Users with administrator permissions, are able to see all the task lists of all users and can also exclude a specific task by informing your ID.

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I have developed an e-commerce project using Python and the Django framework. The system is comprehensive and offers a wide range of features, including the ability to manage promotions, access to a shopping cart, and purchase summary, as well as the management of product units available for sale. The goal of this project is to provide an efficient and user-friendly e-commerce solution for online business needs.

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Contact book

I developed a project for a contact agenda using the Django framework. In this agenda, it's possible to record information such as name, last name, phone number, and contact description. Additionally, I implemented the registration and login functionality, allowing users to securely add their contacts and recover them in case of data loss on their smartphones.

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This is a blog developed using the Django framework, the Python language, and Bootstrap, with the aim of allowing the administrator to publish articles easily and quickly. Additionally, users can interact with the articles through likes and comments. The site's content covers experiences and useful tips for a programmer's career, providing a space for sharing knowledge in the programming field.

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Automated News

A website built with the Django framework, utilizing the requests and BeautifulSoup tools. This site is responsible for web scraping data from news websites and displaying the most recent news from these sites, eliminating the need to visit each site individually to gain a comprehensive understanding of the latest technology-related news.

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Calculator Game

This is an educational game created in Python using the Django framework. The game generates various random math questions for users to answer. The more correct sequences of answers the user achieves, the higher their score. The game is designed to help users improve their math skills while having fun.

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More than 400 exercises with Python

Multiple exercises created using the Python programming language. These exercises cover various topics, including programming logic, Object-Oriented Programming (POO), Regular Expressions (RegEx), Django, Test-Driven Development (TDD), Design Patterns, Databases, Loops, Decision Structures, Sequential Structures, and more.
